Administrative Core Director: David C. Brousseau, MD, MSP

The Delaware Comprehensive Sickle Cell Research Center (DE SCD COBRE) Administrative core will provide the infrastructure in support of a robust mentoring program, investigator and overall DE SCD COBRE continuing review, and compliance with all NIH policies, procedures and reporting requirements. The objective of our COBRE application is the establishment of a multidisciplinary Center that will strengthen early career investigator mentoring while building biomedical research infrastructure for sickle cell disease research. This Center will bring investigators, mentors and advisors together for the Nemours Children’s Health System, ChristianaCare Health System, University of Delaware and Delaware State University, while integrating supportive resources and infrastructure provide by the Delaware IDeA network. The Administrative Core will provide target investigators research, mentoring and educational programs specifically tailored to meet their individual needs. A robust mentoring program will support and monitor progression into successful independent investigators. External and Internal Advisory Committee will provide review and oversight of investigator and overall progress towards investigator and overall DE SCD COBRE goals. Finally, the Administrative Core will ensure compliance with all NIH policies, procedures and reporting requirements.